How to get pocket slot maplesea

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Trusted maplestory pocket slot quest reboot Mesos SellersMapleStory2. Лучшие Онлайн Казино24 Apr 2017 .. As I recall, around the time that Reboot came out, most people who .. We now get 8 character slots on each world for a brand new account.Maplestory how many pocket slots | Best games maplestory pocket slot quest reboot free ...

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Essentially, Pocket MapleStory is a new version of the popular MMO MapleStory created for iOS and Android devices.The game also gives you three character slots to start, with the option to buy more. This means that you can start out with one of each class and get... BasilMarket How to get Pocket Slot? thread | MapleStory2 General MapleStory Forum Talk about MapleStory in general. Safez Level 200 Scania Beginner Safez.I walked to hene hair salon and even checked out the NPC itself, but it's not mentioning anything of the pocket slot. Charm/Pocket slot quest unavailable - MapleStory

BasilMarket How do you get the pocket slot? thread

Grant, Saffron, Cole, Gere, Intaglio, Ally, Mikkim, Nack, Alchemy Tome, Smithing Anvil, Herb Collection, Mining Machine, Jewelry Machine, Angelica Maple World Pocket MapleStory forum Pocket MapleStory forum KMS ver. 1.2.279 – MapleStory Nova: Cadena, the Chain of ... New Job: Cadena, the Chain of Liberation. Cadena, a member of Grandis’ Nova race, was a part of the royal family. When Magnus attacked and took over the citadel, she was injured and has been sleeping ever since. After opening her eyes, she vowed to become strong and abandoned her original name.

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To increase the slots in your Salon inventory, you will need to purchase either the Beauty Album Hair Slot Coupon or the Beauty Album Face Slot Coupon from the Cash Shop You may delete any Hair/Face style from your album at any time. Simply select the name and click on the Delete button. You will not be able to retrieve deleted styles.